mardi 26 avril 2011

Having a child with UHS

Hello folks! My name is Chris and I'm a 34 yr old father that has a 3 yr old beautifull gril who has Uncombable hair syndrome (UHS). I am starting this blog with hope to reach out to other parents who are dealing with the same problems as us. I wish to give other parents information and some tricks my wife and I found while dealing with UHS.

Our child's name is Leanne. She was born in january of 2008. A couple weeks after her birth, we knew somthing was "up" with her hair. It was shinny and truly golden. We could do nothing with it! It was completly umcombable. Forget putting her to sleep with damp hair. If we did, she would wake up with a 1980's Cindy Lopper hair cut that would resist any effort that we'd put into getting her hair back to order. One weekend while visiting a doctor freind, she gave us a prescription to go and check out our childs nails and hair. She said "You should get her hair checked out".

When we got to the childens hospital, all the dermatologits were huddled around Leanne. They were like "wow... UHS... rare..." I asked them: is this cool or is this bad... they said neither but they said it was rare.

UHS is a rare condition. No internet site I have consulted has indications on the incidence of the syndrome. A lot of very scientific information is available on the net. Basicaly, the hair insted of beeing round is trianguler. Light reflects differenty off this hair type giving the aspect of beeing golden. Also, any parent with a kid that has this will tell how water just trickles off the hair. Making UHS hair wet is pretty tough!

I some futher posts i'd like to adress the questions of Shampoo's and conditionners that can help. Also I want to discuss the question of how other people look at our children and who their judgment can affect them. If this blog takes off (I hope) we could also share some photos (that are prety rare on the net) of our childs hair and some stories.

Hope to see you soon!
PS: sorry for my poor English, my native language is different!